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*Indicates a student or lab manager mentee

*Ash, T. L., Scott, K. E., Bruun, M, & Devine, P. G. (in press). Contemporary racial stereotypes: A Princeton Trilogy study. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. PDF

Rogers, L. O., Scott, K. E., *Wintz, F., *Eisenman, S., *Dorsi, C., Chae, D., & Meltzoff, A. N. (2024). M(ai)cro Race Conversations: Exploring Whether and How Black and White Parents Talk with their Children about “Black Lives Matter.” Developmental Psychology. PDF

Devine, P. G., Ash, T., & Scott, K. E. (in press). Prejudice Reduction. In D.T. Gilbert, S. T. Fiske, E. Finkel, & W. B. Mendes (Eds.), Handbook of Social Psychology, 6th Edition.

Scott, K. E., Cochrane, A., King, R., Kalish, C., & Shutts, K (2023). Direct Assessments of Social Skills can Complement Teacher Ratings in Predicting Children’s Academic Achievement. Journal of Cognition and Development. PDF

Scott, K. E., *Henkel, M. A., *Moens, O. M., Devine, P. G., & Shutts, K. (2023). Children’s Evaluation of and Reactions to Racial Discrimination. Developmental Psychology, 59(7), 1190-1202. PDF

Scott, K. E., *Ash, T., *Immel, B., *Liebeck, M., Devine, P. G., & Shutts, K. (2023). Engaging White parents to address their children’s anti-Black biases. Child Development, 94(1), 74-92. PDF

Scott, K. E., Shutts, K., & Devine, P. G. (2020). Parents’ role in addressing children’s racial bias: The case of speculation without evidence. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(5), 1178-1186. PDF

*King, R., Scott, K. E., Renno, M., & Shutts, K. (2020). Counterstereotyping can change children’s thinking about boys’ and girls’ toy preferences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 191. PDF

Scott, K. E., Shutts, K., & Devine, P. G. (2020). Parents’ expectations for and reactions to their children’s racial biases. Child Development, 91(3), 769-783. PDF

Scott, K. E., & Graham, J. A. (2015). Service-learning education: Implications for empathy and community engagement in elementary school children. Journal of Experiential Education, 38(3), 1-19. PDF